Joseph Walker 1856
J.W. Walker & Sons 1879
J.W. Walker & Sons 1934
Nicholson & Co. 2001
The organ in St Barnabas’ Church, Kensington was built by Joseph Walker of London in 1856 and was housed in the church’s west gallery. The instrument was rebuilt and enlarged by J.W. Walker & Sons in 1879, at which time it was moved into a new oak case in the chancel. The organ was again rebuilt by J.W. Walker & Sons in 1934 when many tonal additions were made, a new console was provided, and new electro-pneumatic actions were provided throughout.
In 2001, Nicholson & Co. re-wired the instrument and fitted a new solid-state transmission and piston capture system.
The organ is to be completely restored, with full workshop restoration of all soundboards, chests, actions, wind system, pipework and console. The 1934 scheme included a number of ‘prepared for’ stops which were never installed. These are now to be provided as follows: new Trombone 16′ / Clarion 8′ rank (Pedal); new Tuba 8′ (Choir); and new Open Diapason No. 1 8′ (Great). Additionally, the Flageolet 2′ on the Swell, installed second-hand in 1934 from an unknown source, is to be replaced with a new Fifteenth 2′.
The facade pipe decorative scheme is being renewed by our colleagues from The Upright Gilders.